Plant Floor Connectivity
Solutions – Connexus

Plant Floor Connectivity Solutions – Connexus

Plant Data Reporting Solutions

Plant Floor Automation Integration
Plant Floor Connectivity
Solutions – Connexus
Connexus is Dhruva’s in house developed Industrial loT platform that transforms real time data from your plant floor into actionable insights. It is powered by edge computing, secure network protocols, Microservices, & Business intelligence through Al. The data collected from manufacturing equipment is made available for real time tracking and is analysed to increase productivity, reduce downtime and maximize profit.

Securly connects Machines via MQTT.
Collect, store, analyze and represent data across all
PLC brands.
Connexus is quick to start, easy to configure, Cloud & On-premise options &
it’s available in a subscription (SaaS) model.
- Connects with your Machine to acquire & store production data on the Server.
- Adds Business Intelligence to determine KPIs such as OEE, MTTR, MTBF.
- Provides Real-Time information anywhere, on Mobile & Web.
- Acts as a virtual ANDON to notify of maintenance, quality & process alerts.